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Radio field validation issue


Reported for: Toolset Types 2.2.4

Resolved in: Toolset Types 2.2.5

Topic Tags: Types plugin


When editing a post with a required radio field, it is possible to save it even if no field value is selected. Instead of canceling the update and displaying a warning message, the post is updated and the message is displayed afterward.


This will be fixed in the next version of Types. In the meantime, you can download this patch, extract it and apply the patch it contains in all those three Toolset plugins, replacing the files with the same names in the following locations:

  • For Types 2.2.4, you need to overwrite the file …/wp-content/plugins/types/library/toolset/toolset-common/toolset-forms/js/validation.js
  • For Views 2.2.2, you need to overwrite the file …/wp-content/plugins/wp-views/embedded/toolset/toolset-common/toolset-forms/js/validation.js.
  • For CRED 1.8.3, you need to overwrite the file …/wp-content/plugins/cred-frontend-editor/embedded/toolset/toolset-common/toolset-forms/js/validation.js.
  • For Layouts 1.8.9you need to overwrite the file …/wp-content/plugins/layouts/toolset/toolset-common/toolset-forms/js/validation.js.
  • For Access 2.2.2you need to overwrite the file …/wp-content/plugins/types-access/toolset/toolset-common/toolset-forms/js/validation.js.

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