WooCommerce Course Support

Do you have problems with following the tutorials? Is there anything unclear for you?

Ask your question using comments. The authors of the course will be happy to help you.

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How to ask for help

Leave your feedback or ask a question using comments below. When Toolset team (typically Agnes) replies to your questions, you will receive an email notification.

If you get stuck with a tutorial:

  • Include a link to your training site.
  • Mention the tutorial you have problems with.
  • Describe what you are expecting to see and what you are seeing instead.

If you are looking for a tutorial regarding WooCommerce site customization that is not included in our list please let us know. Explain (in comments) why you need it. We will consider adding it to the list or adding the missing functionality to our plugins.

Help us to improve: take a quick survey

We would like to hear your opinion about our tutorials.

To send us your feedback, take our online survey now.

The survey is entirely anonymous and should take a few minutes to complete.

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A fully-styled reference site

Planning to build custom WooCommerce sites yourself? Check out our Toolset WooCommerce reference site. It’s a fully featured, fully designed reference site, that you can use as the basis of your client projects.

Get inspired by fully designed WooCommerce with Toolset
Get inspired by fully designed WooCommerce with Toolset

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