Dietitian Hub

With Toolset, we were able to create a membership/directory site. Once providers sign up for a monthly subscription, they are able to login to create a provider profile and list their continuing education (CPE) programs. Behind the scenes, each program must be reviewed before being published by an administrator.Toolset Types is used to create two custom post types, CPE Providers and CPE Activities. CPE Providers are parent posts for CPE Activities. Several custom taxonomies were created and assigned to CPE Activities. Custom field groups specific to the continuing education details were created.

Toolset Views is used to display the custom post types along with the custom fields to the end users. A number of content templates were created to maximize "code" reuse.  Views were created to create custom list views for each type of CPE Activity as well as the child posts (activities) associated with each CPE Provider.

Toolset Cred is used for member providers to manage their provider profile (CPE Provider post) and child CPE Activity posts. Users can select which programs will be will be published or changed to draft status. By default, each activity created is set to "Pending Review" status.

